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Friday, February 08, 2008


Right Party Makes Wrong Choice

Unfortunately, the only conservative in the race, Gov. Mitt Romney has decided to suspend his campaign. America has lost its best hope for survival. It now seems that the nation will fall left into apostasy with either conservative pretender John McCain or one of the Democrats, all of whom lack executive experience to lead.

Suspending his campaign rather than officially ending it, allows Romney continue to represent the interests of his delegates, said spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom.

"We want to make sure that the governor's principles are reflected in the platform and at the convention. We have a number of pledged delegates and we don't want to completely abandon them. But we're not laboring under unrealistic expectations that governor Romney might magically become the Republican nominee."

Who can blame Mitt for using much of his own money to direct the party back to Reagan? But the media wouldn't let him win, as it is the liberal media who decides who to promote, denigrate or ignore.

Please read: Governor Romney's Address To CPAC. It is well worth the time.

With his big win on Super Delusion Tuesday, John McCain was given the keys to take the wheel, turn it left and drive us conservatives off a cliff. It's something he's been wanting to do since Bush beat him in 2000. Of course he'll pander with rhetoric, but his record proves he's not conservative--but neither is Muckabee, and neither is Bush very conservative.

Conservatives were forgiving of Mitt Romney for stances to win in liberal Massachusetts, and his religion, but have shown much distrust for John McCain for going against them when he didn't have to in Arizona. Independent wimps caved to McCain's lies and hypocrisy much the same way conservatives did with Bush.

McCain's democrats squashed all positive talk of Mitt Romney, and promoted anything they deemed as negative against him in favor of big 5' 6" John, whom they feel they can "work with" to advance their socialist dreams by getting him to agree to things on their terms, as their tests with senators Russ Feingold, Teddy Kennedy and, now, Joe Lieberman have so effectively proven.

The libs may have won this time, but real conservatives will work hard to crush them later, that is, if the nation survives the damage the libs will inflict on freedom.

This picture from the Drudge Report shows a photo-shopped stretched 5' 6" John McCain to look as if he's near the same height as president Reagan who stood at 6' 1". More deceptions are surely coming from the little Maverick.

Will America shrink its president to match Russia's president Putin? It's something Ted Kennedy has wanted since going against President Reagan in the cold war.

McCain realized that the majority of voters have not taken the time to find out about him and his appeasment of liberals in the democratic party. Many voters simply follow the media like sheep, not understanding that McCain is out for sheer power and will do anything to get it, even if it kills conservatism and upholds liberalism. Dems will lovingly gush over him before stabbing him in the back once their mission of evil has been accomplished.

Hike Muckabee is another deceiver like Bill Clinton, who wants to win, but will gladly take second place to be a heart attack away from winning. Yes, Muckabee is a suck-up, a butt kisser who speaks with a forked tongue to get what he wants, proven in many of his debate performances.

Since America has decided to hang a left, I'll be staying parked, waiting for 2012 to see if Romney runs again.

According to a senior member of his inner circle, Romney intends to run again in four years.

The Real McCain?

Fool me once... as McCain did back in '99 when I voted for him in the primaries. Since then he's exposed himself as a liberal, so I won't be fooled again by voting for him now.

Charles Hurt of the New York Post points out ONCE JOHN WINS, HE'LL MAKE A LEFT...

"He will return to his lifelong positions as soft on illegal immigration, skeptical of tax cuts and favoring strong federal control over things like campaign financing.

McCain's appeal to independents and even the left is what makes him such a powerhouse in the general election."

As a true conservative, I'll never vote for McHuckster. Here's why...

“Our message will be that we all share common principles, common conservative principles and we should coalesce around those issues in which we are in agreement,” McCain said, expressing hope they could “respectfully disagree” on areas of conflict.

McCain sounds more like a communist everyday, pushing his leftist ideas for the "common good". Lord save us!

Upon the news announced early on election day that Huckabee won West Virginia after colluding with John McCain to stop Mitt Romney, strange weather began happening in the south with tornados killing 55 people. Before that, the stock market crashed 370 points on worries about recession.

The twisters that slammed Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky were part of a line of storms that raged across the nation's midsection at the end of the day of Super (Delusion)Tuesday primaries in several states.

It may be that these sudden storms were a warning to the southern states.

“The wrath of God is the only way I can describe it,” Gov. Phil Bredesen of Tennessee said after a helicopter flight to survey the damage. “I’m used to seeing roofs off houses, houses blown over. These houses were down to their foundations, stripped clean.”

Conservatives are not like liberals. Liberals go whichever way their media pundits tell them to go at any given time. Along with independents, they are luke warm.

The price for compromising on McCain is simply too much for the majority. So when the democrats ruin everything, we'll have to fix it all again, but at a much greater expense, because liberals just don't learn from their mistakes.

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