Tuesday, May 17, 2005
16 people have been killed because of the liberally BIASED Newsweek hit piece against the war and Bush. (Personally, I have no problem with the Koran being flushed down the toilet or burned because I think it is just ripoff and desecration of the Bible by Mohammad.) All those wacked out Muslimes went nuts over the article that was basically a made up snow job, which is very typical of all Liberal media, including the New York Times and the big three networks, ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN, PBS etc.. They are irresponsible trash and they should all be fired (if not shot) for their propagandist treasonous lies against this country!
Since the war began, Islamic terrorists have treated Americans to videotapes of Americans and other Westerners being tortured and murdered on camera. Clearly, being disrespectful of a book pales by comparison.
Whether or not the reports are true is secondary to the reaction of the Muslim world to them. We've discussed in the past the fact that America's liberal mainstream press cheerfully serve as al-Qaeda's propaganda arm, providing al-Qaeda recruiters will ample evidence to back up their contention that America is the Great Satan.
Isikoff's hit piece, evidently obtained from secret FBI documents, has already cost at least 16 lives.
Undoubtedly, the anger he stirred up among the world's Muslim population will cost many more lives before it is over with. If his report serves any purpose beyond embarrassing the administration, I can't tell what it might be.
Which is the more important issue to you? Treating the source document for Islamic terror with more respect than we do our own Bible? (An American school teacher who brings a Bible to school can lose his job for violating federal law.) Or using whatever techniques are available to prevent another terrorist attack against American citizens on US soil?
In war, the objective is to win by whatever means are necessary. The terrorists who oppose us understand that. The terrorists that killed 3000 Americans on September 11 didn't hesitate to commit suicide in order to complete their mission. Nobody is alleging that terrorists at Gitmo are being killed, maimed or tortured.
At worst, the allegation is that some Americans have no respect for the religion that is behind the deaths of more than five thousand Americans so far, and counting. Tens of thousands more have been permanently maimed by Islamic religionists inspired to commit mayhem by the same book Newsweek is horrified to discover was being 'disrespected'.
Let's look at what Newsweek's report hath wrought: Afghanistan, who only last week requested a long-term American presence in that country, exploded into anti-American riots. Pakistan, a critical ally in the war on terror, has even less reason to want to help us than it did before. The Saudis are lecturing the US on 'respect' while protesters burn US flags and chant 'Death to America'.
Newsweek gave Hezbollah the opportunity to repeat its call for jihad. Hezbollah held up Isikoff's piece as 'evidence' of US hatred of Islam. The Sudanese, who only a month ago were under fire for acts of genocide against its Christian population, marched on the US Embassy, demanding Khartoum sever diplomatic ties with Washington.
The liberals, especially in the media are loving it because their hearts are evil and they are working for SATAN having been blinded to the truth as evidenced by a story that Newsweek now admits it got wrong! But they knew it was wrong to begin with because the Pentagon told them 24 hours before going to press that it was wrong, and 16 people died because of their rush to print.
The progress of the war is now in jeapordy, maybe even gone. We now have a whole new ballgame that will only get worse until the end comes. Everyone at Newsweek should be fired immediately as a sacrifice for preventing any further atrocities!
The liberal rag should be banned from any further publications.
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